Introduction to Android - Why Android? Android Run Time, Android Studio, Introduction to Gradle

Fundamentals - Basic Building blocks, Activities, Services, Broadcast Receivers & Content providers, UI Components, Views & notifications, Components for communication, Intents & Intent Filters, Android API levels(versions & version names)

Application Structure - AndroidManifest.xml, uses-permission, Activity/services/receiver declarations, Resources &, Layouts & Drawable Resources, Activities and Activity lifecycle

Emulator - Launching emulator, Editing emulator settings, Emulator shortcuts, Logcat usage, Introduction to Android Device Monitor (ADM), File explorer

Intents - Explicit Intents, Implicit intents

Basic UI design, Styles & Themes - Form widgets, Text Fields, Layouts, Relative Layout ,Table Layout, Frame Layout, Linear Layout, Nested layouts, [dip,dp,sip,sp] versus px, styles.xml , drawable resources for shapes, gradients(selectors), Style attribute in layout file, Applying themes via code and manifest file, Alert Dialogs& Toast, Time and Date, Images and media

Menu - Option menu And Action Bar (menu in action bar), Context menu and contextual action mode, Popup menu, menu from xml, menu via code, Linkify,Match Filter&Transform Filter

Adapters – Array Adapters, Base Adapters, List View and List Activity, Custom list view, GridView using adapters, Gallery using adapters, Android Session and Session management

Content Providers – SQL, DML & DDL Queries in brief, SQLiteDatabase, SQLiteOpenHelper Cursor, SQLite Programming, Reading and updating Contacts, Android Debug Bridge(adb) tool, Broadcast Receivers, Services

Custom components - Custom Tabs, Custom animated popup panels, Other components

Threads - Threads running on UI thread (runOnUiThread), Worker thread, Handlers & Runnable, AsynTask (in detail)

Telephony - Deciding Scope of an App, Processing outgoing call, dialing the phone, Sending Single or Multi part SMS messages, receiving SMS message.

Communications Via Network and the Web - Wireless Connectivity and Mobile Apps, State Machine, Correct Communications Model, Android Networking and Web, using RESTful web service, using WebView.

Location - Location Aware Apps, Getting location information, Accessing GPS information, mocking GPS coordinates on device, using Google Maps with MapView, Location search on Google Maps,

Sensors - Checking presence or absence of a sensor, Using Accelerometer, Using Orientation sensor, Using Temperature sensor.

Bluetooth - Introduction, Enabling Bluetooth and making device discoverable, connecting to other devices, Handling Bluetooth requests, implementing Device Discovery.

Publishing Apps - Packaging and Deploying, Performance Best Practices, Android Field Service App