HTML 5 - Introduction & History, Basic tags and attributes, New Elements, Input Types, Form Elements, Form Attributes, Canvas, SVG, Video, Audio, Creating tables
CSS - Introduction to CSS, Three ways to use CSS, CSS Properties, Designing website, working with Templates
Java Script - Introduction to JavaScript, Three ways to use JavaScript, Working with events,Client-side Validation
JQuery - Introduction to JQuery, Validation using JQuery, JQuery Forms, JQuery Examples
AJAX - Introduction to AJAX, PHP with AJAX, Working with database
Introduction to PHP - Evaluation of PHP, Basic Syntax, Defining variable and constant, PHP Data type, Operator and Expression
Handling Html Form With PHP - Capturing Form Data, Dealing with Multi-value filed. Generating File uploaded form, redirecting a form after submission
Decisions and loop - Making Decisions, Doing Repetitive task with looping, Mixing Decisions and looping with Html
Function - What is a function, Define a function, Call by value and Call by reference, Recursive function
String - Creating and accessing String, Searching & Replacing String, Formatting String, String Related Library function
Array - Anatomy of an Array, Creating index based and Associative array, Accessing array Element, Looping with Index based array, Looping with associative array using each() and for each(), Library function
Session and Cookie - Introduction to Session Control, Session Functionality What is a Cookie, Setting Cookies with PHP. Using Cookies with Sessions, Deleting Cookies, Registering Session variable, Destroying the variables and Session.
Working with file and Directories- Understanding file& directory, Opening and closing a file, Coping, renaming and deleting a file Working with directories, Building a text editor, File Uploading & Downloading
Database Connectivity with MySql- Introduction to RDBMS, Connection with MySql Database, Performing basic database, Operation(DML) (Insert, Delete, Update, Select), Setting query parameter, Executing query, Join (Cross joins, Inner joins, Outer Joins, Self joins.)
OOPS in PHP - Introduction, Objects, Declaring a class, The new keyword and constructor, Destructor, Access method and properties using $this variable, Public ,private, protected properties and methods, Static properties and method, Class constant, Inheritance & code reusability, Polymorphism, Parent:: & self:: keyword, Instance of operator, Abstract method and class, Interface.
CMS- WordPress - WordPress Introduction, Understanding and Using domain names, WordPress Hosting Options, Installing WordPress on a Dedicated Server, Understanding Directory Permissions
Basics of the WordPress User Interface - Understanding the WordPress Dashboard, Pages, Tags, Media and Content Administration, Core WordPress Settings
Finding and Using WordPress Plugins - Finding and Installing Plugins Quickly and Easily, Upgrading WordPress Plugins, Recommended WordPress Plugins
Working with WordPress Themes - Understanding the Structure of WordPress Themes, Finding Themes and Choosing the Right One, Installing and Configuring Themes, Editing and Customizing Themes, Using Theme Frameworks and Parent-Child Themes, Theme Best Practices
WordPress Content Management - Understanding Posts Versus Pages, Organizing Posts with Categories, Connecting Posts Together with Tags, Custom Post Types and Custom Taxonomies, Managing Lists of Links
Creating and Managing Content - Hands-On Training on the WordPress Editors, Hands-On Training on the New Image Editor
Exception Handling - Understanding Exception and error, Try, catch, throw. Error tracking and debugging.