Recommended Pre-Requisites- Javascript ES6, Basics of React- JSX, Components, States and Props

Introduction to React Native - Overview of React Native and its ecosystem, Setting up the development environment (Node.js, npm, and Xcode/Android Studio), Understanding the architecture of React Native, Building your first React Native app

1.Components and Styling- React Native components and styling basics, Understanding Flexbox and the layout system, Building responsive UIs and custom components
2. Navigation and User Input - Navigating between screens with React Navigation, Handling user input with TextInput and Buttons, Touch events and gesture handling
3. State Management and Data Management - State management with React hooks and Context API, Storing and retrieving data with AsyncStorage and RealmDB, Handling API requests with Axios and Fetch API
4. Animations and User Experience - Implementing animations with Animated and LayoutAnimation, Improving user experience with GestureHandler and Reanimated, Creating beautiful and accessible UIs with accessibility APIs
5. Native Modules and Components- Integrating with native modules and components, Building custom native modules and components with NativeModules and NativeComponents, Using native libraries and APIs with React Native modules
6. React Native Testing- Testing React Native apps with Jest and Enzyme, Unit testing components, state, and props, Snapshot testing and code coverage
7. Deployment and Distribution- Building, testing, and releasing React Native apps for iOS and Android, Using CodePush and AppCenter for OTA updates, Distributing React Native apps through App Store and Play Store