Pre-Requisites : Basic Python Programming
Python for Web Development-
HTML - HTML is the basic and must have skill for every web developer. It is used and extended by various other technologies. To be completely able to understand how things work in web development, you should develop an understanding of HTML. In this section, you will learn
- Introduction to HTML
- Browsers and HTML
- Editor’s Offline and Online
- Tags, Attribute and Elements
- Doctype element
- Comments
- Headings, Paragraphs,Formatting text
- Lists and Links
- Images, Table
CSS - CSS is the other important language in the web tech must-learn trifecta. It will help you style, layout and control the behaviour and look and feel of the web apps that you build. In this module, you will learn:
- Introduction CSS
- Applying CSS to HTML
- Selectors, properties and values
- CSS Colors, Backgrounds
- CSS Box Model
- CSS Margins,Padding,Borders
- CSS Text and Font Properties
- CSS General Topics
JavaScript - The third of the must learn trifecta, Js is present in about 90% of the internet. To make sense of what you’re doing and to design and build new web apps, this language is indispensable. In this section you will learn the following topics:
- Introduction to JavaScript
- Applying JavaScript (internal, external)
- Understanding JS Syntax
- Introduction to Document and Window Object
- Variables,Operators
- Data Types,Num Type Conversion
- Math,String Manipulation
- Objects,Arrays
- Date and Time
- Conditional Statements
- Switch Case
- Looping in JS
- Functions
Bootstrap - Build responsive, mobile-first projects on the web with the world's most popular front-end component library. Bootstrap is an open-source toolkit for developing with HTML, CSS, and JS. Quickly prototype your ideas or build your entire app with our Sass variables and mixins, responsive grid system, extensive prebuilt components, and powerful plugins built on jQuery.
- Introduction to Bootstrap
- Bootstrap Typography
- Bootstrap Color
- Bootstrap Table
- Bootstrap Images
- Bootstrap Components
Django Web Framework in Python-
Creating major projects like e-commerce sites, blogging sites, etc., Integrating Payment gateway in Django websites, Web Hosting- Hosting Django projects on the web.